The Party Game That's Always a Blast
- Only minutes to play! Strategy, socialization, and intrigue within a time limit.
- Over 70 unique 100% plastic character cards! Everyone can be different!
- No moderator necessary. Everyone gets to play!
- Share your card with others to prove your loyalty. Make friends, not enemies.
Stop your president from being blown up! But who is the president? More importantly ...who is the bomber?!

Start playing the game right now! Our awesome Print-n-Play version has always been and always will be totally free.
How to Play
In Two Rooms and a Boom there are 2 teams and 2 rooms. The 2 teams are the Blue Team and the Red Team. The Blue Team has a President. The Red Team has a Bomber. Players are first equally distributed between 2 separate playing areas (usually 2 separate rooms) and then each player is randomly dealt a facedown character card.
Players play the game by saying what they want in order to select a leader for their room. The leader chooses hostages (players who will be sent to the other room at the end of the round).
The game consists of 3 timed rounds. Each round is shorter than the previous round. At the end of each round, the hostages selected by the leaders will be traded into opposing rooms.
The game ends after the last hostage exchange.
Everyone reveals their card. If Red Team’s Bomber is in the same room as the President, then the Red Team wins. Otherwise the Blue Team wins.