You've made it to the World Championship!
Unfortunately, it's for Russian Roulette.
- Simultaneous play! Everyone plays at the same time, so no waiting!
- Only minutes to learn! Follow the steps and be playing in no time!
- Cheating allowed! Pocket your bullet card, just don't get caught!
- Intense bluffing! Get rewarded for catching a rotten cheater!
- Replace luck with skill! Earn action cards that change the game, like aiming your gun at another player!

Not ready to pull the trigger? Try downloading our free Print-and-Play and take the game out for a spin!
How to Play
In World Championship Russian Roulette, players command a team of Russian Roulette players from around the world - their goal is to be the last team standing, or the first team to 15 points.
Play takes place over a number of turns, with six phases in each turn. All players play each phase simultaneously, so there's no waiting around.
- In the Pocket Phase players choose one of their seven gun cards to play face down in their "pocket." This allows some players to "cheat" in the game world.
- In the Spin Phase players shuffle their remaining gun cards, effectively spinning the chamber of their guns.
- In the Bidding Phase players choose how many cards they will draw from their gun decks.
- In the Challenge Phase players can choose to challenge each other over whether they have "cheated" by placing a bullet card into their pocket. Challenge correctly and you reap great rewards. Get called out for cheating and... well.
- In the Trigger Phase players draw cards from their gun decks until they draw the number of cards they bid during the bidding phase. Draw a "Bang!" card, however, and you gain no points and lose a team member.
- In the Point Phase players gain points (if they survived the Trigger Phase) for each card they drew. The first to fifteen points wins!